Ask the Make-up expert: Skincare routine tips
This week we've asked Sadie Slade-Smith, our fabulous Coraline Skincare team member and make-up artist for nearly 20 years for her advice on how to get the most out of your Coraline Skincare products in your routine.
She is also giving her pro make-up artist tips on how to use our skincare to boost your make-up for a summer glow.
Watch the video above and read more tips from Sadie below!
Lots of these questions have arisen during her weekly Cleanse and Glow treatments where she shares so much knowledge with customers (if you haven't had one, book yours here!).

Always apply your oils to damp skin (make sure you shake them first!), either post cleanse or after a spritz of our Botanical Balance Calming Facial Tonic - this really helps to boost skin hydration and the oils can lock-in moisture.

I always keep a mini pot of Saving Grace Repair and Replenish Body Balm in my make-up kit (and handbag!) as it's a super conditioning lip balm. Great to nourish lips before you apply lipstick if you suffer from dry, flaky lips.
And don't forget for those warmer days ahead, have a mini Botanical Balance on the go to refresh your make-up!