7 sustainable living swaps to help you go plastic-free
As part of the global awareness initiative #plasticfreejuly - we wanted to share some ideas on the sustainable swaps you could make this month to reduce your plastic consumption.
As a brand we are passionate about removing plastic from all areas of our business from our packaging to our shop in Topsham. We have done all that we can to be entirely plastic free in all our packaging, and the only plastic we use is for the closures on the Miron Glass bottles which is unavoidable at this moment. Things are developing behind the scenes and as soon as a plastic-free alternative is available we will be using those to reach our goal of Plastic- Free.
Our award-winning balm pots are made entirely from plant binders and wood chips, our soap boxes are packaged in recycled and recyclable card 'clam shells' and our shop in Topsham is entirely free from plastic. Everything from our window display to our counter is made from local, sustainably sourced woods.
Here are our everyday living tips on how to make plastic-free swaps this July:

Ditch the liquid hand wash for a bar of soap
A super easy switch is to replace your liquid hand wash, shower gel and cleanser with a simple, moisturising bar of soap. Instantly removing three common single-use plastics will make a huge difference across a year, and it is also much better for your skin. Our soap is delivered in cartons made from recycled cardboard pulp and all our labels are printed with veg-based dyes on recyclable paper.
Look for biodegradable cloths and sponges
Kitchen sponges are composed of synthetic fibres that pollute waterways and aren't biodegradable; staying for hundreds of years in landfill sites. Biodegradable cellulose-based sponges are readily available in most supermarkets, or look for coconut-based scourers and replaceable wood and natural bristle washing-up brushes.
Seek out your local zero-waste shop for plastic-free refills
We are lucky to have a great range of zero-waste shops near us in Devon, including Zero in Exmouth and Exeter, and also Lavanda here in Topsham. A one-stop shop for refillable cleaning products... simply take along your tupperwares and empty jars and do your weekly shop, plastic-free!
Find your nearest zero-waste shop here
Can you make 'unwrapped' switches in your weekly shop?
Food packaging is another huge area where single-use plastics mount up. Could you shop directly at the greengrocers for unwrapped fruit and veg, or take a reusable cloth bag to the bakery? Between a zero-waste shop and your local independent stores, it is achievable to do a weekly shop plastic-free and support your local economy in the process.
Switch your period products for reusable options
Disposal of single-use menstrual products - tampons, pads and applicators generates 200,000 tonnes of waste per year*. With sanitary pads made up of 90% plastic. Exploring re-usable options including period pants, washable pads and menstrual cups are all ways of reducing this monthly plastic waste.
Shop with brands who prioritise plastic-free packaging
When shopping online be curious and seek out brands' sustainability statements. How active are they in reducing their plastic waste in their supply chain or deliveries? Look for brands offering plastic-free shipping and, as an added bonus, many retailers now offer carbon-neutral shipping, too.
Cleanse your skincare routine of single-use plastics
We are obviously passionate about removing plastics from the skincare industry - demonstrating through our innovative packaging that it can be achieved! Look at products throughout your bathroom and think about how they could be switched for more sustainable options. A bamboo toothbrush, reusable facial pads, natural loofahs... as well as natural, organic skincare of course!
Shop our plastic-free skincare
* Source: https://www.knowaste.com/